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Screening Time
6/7 (Sat) 3:05pm

14/7 (Sun) 1:10pm

Giffoni Film Festival, Italy (2023) – Best Feature Film



12-year-old Erwin is a genius, far smarter than any of her high school classmates. But Erwin's genius has come at a price: isolation. She doesn't have any friends and even her sister thinks she's a social leper. Determined to win the State Science Fair, she teams up with classmate Winston, a fellow outcast and chemistry guru, to create a popularity chemical which they add into sticks of chewing gum.

Country / Region: USADuration: 88 minsDirector: Ali ScherLanguage: EnglishSubtitle: Chinese Subtitled







Guest of Post-screening Sharing (Conducted in Cantonese):
6/7 (Sat) : Erica Lee - Best Screenplay of Hong Kong Film Awards for "Tracey"
14/7 (Sat) : Erica Lee - Best Screenplay of Hong Kong Film Awards for "Tracey"


It is always great to watch movies with friends! For teenagers aged 12 to 16, “Hangout & Film Appreciation” screenings are about enhancing the film-going experience; engaging through an in-depth appreciation of film storytelling, various movie-making techniques, and the different approaches to managing creativity and the freedom of expression.

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Hong Kong Kids International Film Festival is a co-own non-profit project by 3Space and Golden Scene Company Limited.

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