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Ever since she was a child, Georgia Nolan has had only one dream: to become a fireman, like her father once was. Unfortunately, in New York City in 1932, women are not allowed to practice this profession. When the city's firemen disappear one by one in mysterious fires that burn down the Broadway Theatres to the ground, Georgia sees a golden opportunity. She disguises herself as "Joe", an awkward young man, and joins the team of improvised firemen in charge of stopping the arsonist. Georgia must preserve her false identity at all costs, especially since her father will be in charge of this high-risk investigation.
Country / Region: CANADA, FRANCE
Duration: 92 mins
Director: Laurent Zeitoun, Theodore Ty
English Dubbing Cast: Kenneth Branagh, Olivia Cooke, William Shatner
Language: Cantonese or English
Subtitle: Chinese or English Subtitled
Guest of Post-screening Sharing (Conducted in Cantonese):
Cantonese Dubbing Cast (6/8 | 14:50 & 16:00)
Rachel Leung (7/8 | 14:25) (13/8 | 14:00) (14/8 | 14:30 & 16:30)
Director Toe Yuen (7/8 | 15:30) (13/8 | 13:00)
由細到大,祖芝亞只有一個夢想:像她爸爸一樣成為消防員。可惜的是, 1932年的紐約不容許女性投身這個職業。但當城中多間百老匯劇院離奇起火被燒至灰燼,多名消防員更在火警中逐一消失,祖芝亞就把握這個黃金機會,喬裝成男生,化名為「祖」,加入臨時消防隊,並負責阻止縱火兇徒再度犯案。這位「消防版花木蘭」必須竭力隱藏自己的真正身份,絕對不可以被帶領今次調查工作的爸爸識穿,在重重困難之下追尋自己的理想!
國家 / 地區: 加拿大及法國
片長: 92 分鐘
導演: 羅倫特澤圖恩,西奧多泰
語言: 廣東話 或 英語
字幕: 中文 或 英文字幕
粵語聲演演員 (6/8 | 14:50 & 16:00)
演員梁雍婷 (7/8 | 14:25) (13/8 | 14:00) (14/8 | 14:30 & 16:30)
導演袁建滔 (7/8 | 15:30) (13/8 | 13:00)

Movies can be a shared vocabulary that strengthens the bond between the parents (or guardians) and their children. For kids aged from 6 to 11, the ‘Parent-Child Movie Time” screenings are not only about enjoying movies together, but also drawing kids into meaningful conversations afterwards.