KIFF 2022 Online Movie Schedule
Online Festival Date: 10th April - 17th April, 2022
《KIFF 2022 Online》 網上放映 電影資料
舉行日期: 2022年 4 月 10日 至 4月 17日
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是次「網上放映」及「ZOOM 映後分享」為免費活動,不用預先登記。
「網上放映」 免費廿四小時限時播放,請因應片長預備觀看時間。
The "Online Screening" and "ZOOM After Movie Sharing" are free of charge activities, no pre-registration is required,
Free screening available to stream for a 24-hour watch window! Please reserve viewing time based on the film duration.
Due to copyright restrictions, online movies are only available in Hong Kong.
【Opening Film 開幕電影】
Showing Time
10/04(Sun) 10am – 11/04(Mon) 9:59am
國家/地區 Country/Territory:德國、盧森堡、比利時、捷克
Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Czech Republic
語言Language:英語及德語 English & German
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文 Traditional Chinese
導演Director:Matthias Bruhn, Ralf Kukula
片長 Duration:86 mins
ZOOM 映後分享 ZOOM After Movie Sharing
嘉賓: Director Mabel Cheung 張婉婷導演
第一場分享會: 10/4, 15:00 - 15:30
第二場分享會:10/4, 20:00 - 20:30

在1989年的東德,12歲的費琪受好友蘇菲所託,在她與媽媽去匈牙利度假時幫忙照顧小狗。可是暑假結束後,蘇菲卻沒有回來。費琪知道,蘇菲應該是跟很多東德人一樣,希望循匈牙利前往西德,與家人團聚…… 後來費琪又遇上很多人義無反顧地在街頭遊行抗爭,希望令國家變得更好,激發了她鼓起勇氣,帶著小狗,展開驚險旅程,無論如何都要把小狗送回蘇菲身邊。沒想到兩人再見的那一天,竟然成為了重大歷史事件的見證!
East Germany, 1989. Summertime. No one knows the Iron Curtain is about to fall. Twelve-year-old Fritzi lovingly takes care of her best friend Sophie’s little dog Sputnik, while Sophie’s family is on summer vacation in Hungary. When school starts again in fall, however, Sophie doesn‘t come back. Fritzi has to face up to the fact Sophie’s mother has stayed in Hungary with her daughter, like so many other East Germans hoping to reach the West from there. By chance, Fritzi stumbles into a demonstration. She sees the people around her risking arrest, committed to changing their country for the better. Inspired, Fritzi now knows exactly what to do: She has to help Sputnik find Sophie – no matter what!
Revolting Rhymes (Part 1& 2)
Showing Time
Part 1 (上集)11/04(Mon) 10am – 12/04(Tue) 9:59am
Showing Time
Part 2 (下集)12/04(Tue) 10am – 13/04(Wed) 9:59am

國家/地區 Country/Territory:英國 United Kingdom
語言Language: 英語 English
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文Traditional Chinese
導演 Director:Jakob Schuh & Jan Lachauer
片長 Duration:Part 1 (上集)28 mins; Part 2 (下集)30 mins
三隻小豬不會建屋?小紅帽變了殺手?白雪公主學會自救?灰姑娘不再需要王子?這些統統不是大家耳熟能詳的童話,而是羅爾德達爾 (Roald Dahl)筆下的「反叛的童謠」!
Based on the book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, Revolting Rhymes are two half-hour films produced by Magic Light Pictures, which ingeniously interweave five of Dahl’s retellings of classic fairy tales with playful twists and surprising endings. The Narrator Wolf tells the stories of: Little Red Riding Hood, Snow-White, Three Little Pigs, Jack & the Beanstalk and Cinderella.
The all-star voice cast comprises Dominic West, David Walliams, Rob Brydon, Tamsin Greig, Bertie Carvel, Rose Leslie, Bel Powley, Gemma Chan and Isaac Hempstead Wright.
Battery Daddy
Showing Time
12/04(Tue) 10am – 13/04(Wed) 9:59am

國家/地區 Country/Territory:南韓 Republic of Korea
語言Language: 韓語 Korean
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文 Traditional Chinese,英文 English
導演 Director:鄭勝裴Jeon Seung-bae
片長 Duration:6 mins
家中的搖控玩具和電器要靠什麼才能正常運作?沒錯,就是他 - 電池爸爸!電池爸爸專為玩具、門鎖、遙控器服務,他為人們的生活帶來不少方便。有一天,電池爸爸與家人出門旅遊,玩得盡興之時,卻突然下起暴雨。全身濕透的電池爸爸會怎樣帶大家安全回家?
"Battery Dad" is in charge of every corner of the house, such as children’s toys, remote controls, and door locks. One day, "Battery Dad" goes on a trip to a valley with others. While having fun, a sudden downpour caused the valley to flood, and everyone was stranded. "Battery Dad" tries to power the flashlight with all his might so that people can be safely rescued. But the constant rain is putting him in danger…
This animation short was played at numerous film festivals around the world, including Giffoni Film Festival, New York International Children's Film Festival and Taichung International Animation Festival. Using felted wool as his main element, Director Jeon Seung-bae created an imaginary world in this stop-motion animation

Salvador Dali
Showing Time
13/04(Wed) 10am – 14/04(Thu) 9:59am
國家/地區 Country/Territory:吉爾吉斯 Kyrgyzstan
語言Language: 吉爾吉斯語 Kyrgyz
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文 Traditional Chinese,英文 English
導演 Director:Eldiar Madakim
片長 Duration:19 mins
Little boy Orozbek lives with his grandmother in a remote mountainous region of Kyrgyzstan. Every day he has to walk long distances to his school located in another village. And sometimes the only handmade bridge goes under water and it becomes impossible to cross it. For Orozbek, there is an only one joy at school - drawing lessons, which he never ever skips.
“Salvador Dali” was played at numerous film festivals such as Busan International Film Festival, Chicago International Children’s Film Festival, Taiwan International Children’s Film Festival and more.

Sea of Noise
Showing Time
14/04(Thu) 10am – 15/04(Fri) 9:59am
國家/地區 Country/Territory:香港 Hong Kong
語言Language: 粵語 Cantonese
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文Traditional Chinese、英文 English
導演 Director:黃遂心 Daphne Wong
片長 Duration:19 mins
ZOOM 映後分享 ZOOM After Movie Sharing
嘉賓: WWF Doris WOO 吳嘉怡, Project Manager, Cetacean Conservation 項目經理 - 鯨豚保育
第一場分享會:14/4, 15:00 - 15:30
第二場分享會:14/4, 20:00 - 20:30
本地中華白海豚一直面臨水底噪音、棲息地喪失及退化、魚類消耗和繁忙的海上交通等各種人為威脅 ,使牠們的數目在過去 17 年間暴跌逾八成!生活在這樣岌岌可危的水底世界,中華白海豚將何去何從?
WWF與本地著名生態攝影師及紀錄片製作人黃遂心共同製作《聲之海 Sea of Noise》紀錄片,帶領觀眾進入海浪之下神秘的海底世界 ,揭示水底噪音問題以及相關人為威脅對中華白海豚造成的干擾。紀錄片透過聲波實驗、水底片段、動畫、訪問片段等講述中華白海豚在嘈雜生境下面臨的困境以及現有的解決方案,並探討保育香港本地自然生態的重要性。
WWF and famous local wildlife photographer and filmmaker Daphne Wong co-produced the short documentary “Sea of Noise”, taking the audience beneath the waves and visualising how Chinese white dolphins perceive the underwater world with sound. The film details dolphins’ plight living in such noisy underwater through cymatic experiments, underwater footage, animation, stakeholder interviews, and explains current conservation measures, with highlighting the importance of preserving local biodiversity in Hong Kong.

Showing Time
15/04(Fri) 10am – 16/04(Sat) 9:59am
國家/地區 Country/Territory:英國 United Kingdom
語言Language: 英語 English
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文 Traditional Chinese
導演 Director:: Jac Hamman & Sarah Scrimgeour
片長 Duration:25 mins
《超級蟲蟲》改編自Julia Donaldson編寫、Axel Scheffler繪製的同名繪本,上年聖誕節在英國BBC電視台首播時,深受觀眾歡迎!配音陣容同樣強勁,其中包括奧斯卡金像影后奧莉花高雯 (Olivia Colman) 及《王冠》馬特史密斯 (Matt Smith)等著名英國演員。
Based on the famous picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, “Superworm” tells the adventure of a fearless and strong Superworm who saves the day! He can fish Spider out of a well, and rescue Toad from a busy road. But who will come to Superworm's rescue, when he's captured by a wicked Wizard Lizard? Luckily, all of Superworm's insect friends have a cunning plan...
The voice cast for the adaptation is headlined by actors Olivia Colman, Matt Smith, Patricia Allison, and Rob Brydon.
【Closing Film 閉幕電影】
Sound Of Silence
Showing Time
16/04(Sat) 10am – 17/04(Sun) 9:59am
國家/地區 Country/Territory:香港 Hong Kong
語言Language: 粵語 Cantonese
字幕Subtitles:繁體中文Traditional Chinese、英文 English
導演 Director:Yan Yan
演員Cast: Sean Wong黃梓樂,Sam Chan陳宇琛,Joman Chiang蔣祖曼,Hei-Ching Paw鮑起靜,Hathy Law 羅莃荋
片長 Duration:54 mins
ZOOM 映後分享 ZOOM After Movie Sharing
嘉賓: Sean Wong 黃梓樂, Joman Chiang 蔣祖曼, Sam Chan 陳宇琛, Jacqueline Liu 廖婉虹 (監製)
第一場分享會:16/4, 15:00 - 15:30
第二場分享會:16/4, 20:00 - 20:30

美國洛杉磯獨立短片獎 Independent Shorts Awards (2022年2月份白金獎) - 每月最佳外語片、最佳兒童短片、最佳兒童/少年男演員;法國康城世界電影節 Cannes World Film Festival (2022年1月份)– 最佳家庭 / 兒童電影、最佳年輕男演員、最佳長片女導演 及2022韓國首爾國際兒童電影節參展電影
Ten-year-old Kwong is a Primary 5 student who has to contend with “Internal assessment for Secondary Places” and parents who constantly argue. He is at a loss. His grandma, who lives alone, is always patient and happy to learn about his world.
Grandma passes away suddenly, Kwong suffers from insomnia. At night, when he looks at the boundless sky, he feels secure, as if many friends are talking to him. He keeps all this to himself. To his parents, Kwong is just a naughty boy. They have no inkling that Kwong may be experiencing emotional problems.