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Winnie Tsang
Golden Scene​

Over 20 years of experience in the film industry, Winnie comes from a movie loving family. When she graduated, her principal suggested she to join Golden Harvest Company. Winnie made her entry into the movie business in 1982 as a secretary at the legendary Golden Harvest group, which was then in its heyday as a producer. She later went into distribution at Panasia Films. Panasia was still a small company when she joined, she had many opportunities to learn about other job functions. There was also local and overseas distribution, each involving different steps and challenges. Regardless, Winnie had her fingers in every aspect of the film business. When Golden Harvest announced a withdrawal from distribution, Tsang saw the opportunity to start her own business.Arguably Hong Kong's leading independent distributor, Winnie runs every aspect of Golden Scene, and has been doing so for the past 15 years. Her taste runs from the highoctane thrills of "Rush" to local Hong Kong comedies such as "La Lingerie" and "Simply Actors" on which she also took production credits.She also has considerable smarts and foresight. Winnie and Golden Scene need to be nimble in order to get ahead of the integrated local groups, such as Edko or UA/Lark/EMP, which boast either deeper pockets or theater circuits or both. Golden Scene primarily focused on distributing locallyproduced mainstream and independent films. Winnie counts Break Up Club and The Heavenly Kings a few of her company's film marketing successes. Years of film buying experience proved good training for becoming a film investor. The first movie Winnie invested was Simply Actors. She made the investment at the time based on the strength of the cast, which included Jim Chim. Then came others: Magic Boy, Dot 2 Dot, The Way We Dance, and The Midnight After etc. In evaluating film projects, Winnie says she wants to be moved by the story.

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Edmon Chung

Edmon is a social entrepreneur and designer. Edmon is serving as the CEO for DotAsia Organisation and heads the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF). Edmon serves also on the board of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), and on the Executive Committee of Internet Society Hong Kong, which serves as the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional At‐ Large Organisation (APRALO) and participates extensively on Internet governance issues especially in promoting youth participation.Since 2002, Edmon played a leadership role in the region‐wide .Asia initiative. DotAsia is a not‐for‐profit organization with a mandate to promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. Since its launch in 2008, DotAsia has contributed significantly to a variety of community projects in Asia, including for example: Go.Asia, ISIF.Asia, NetMission.Asia, MaD.Asia and others. Edmon is the leading designer for many of the brand and images at DotAsia, and has provided his design for a number of industry initiatives.Edmon is an inventor of patents underlying technologies for internationalized domain names (IDN) and email addresses on the Internet. Edmon has served on many global IDN related committees, including technical and policy groups, that made it possible for the introduction of multilingual domain names and email addresses on the Internet. Edmon won the Most Innovative Award in the Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurship Award in 2001. In 2000, Edmon was selected by The Globe and Mail as one of the Young Canadian Leaders. Between 2006 and 2011, Edmon served as an elected member of the Elections Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the Information Technology Subsector.Edmon has a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Engineering from the University of Toronto.

The 8th KIFF Team

Festival Executives - Aaron SP,  Christine Ma, Sarah Yiu

Programme Manager - Pearl Cheung

Art Direction - b.wingElly Chow @ UNION Design

Public Relation Team - buzzpr

Finance Executives - Chris To

Volunteer team - Rebecca Chan, Tracy Liu, Carmen Tsang

Internship Program Digital Arts and Creative Industries Lingnan University


「三粒星空」(3SPACE) 是香港新一代創意媒體及文化思維的非牟利機構,致力培育創意思維的項目,例如:舉辦兒童國際電影節 (KIFF);制作普及社會創新的書刊及資訊;鼓勵創意、開放思想、社會包融協作的會議展覽,以及其他教育、倡議及推廣活動。

About 3SPACE

3Space is a not-for-profit organization (undergoing registration for charitable status) focused on nurturing a new generation of creative media and cultural minds in Hong Kong. It is dedicated towards projects that nurture the creative mind, such as the Kids International Film Festival (KIFF), books and content that promote social innovation at whatever age, conferences and events that bring together creative transformation towards a more constructive liberal and collaborative society, as well as other projects from educational to advocacy and awareness.




About Golden Scene Company Ltd.

Golden Scene Company Ltd. is a Hong Kong based Film Distribution Company. In 1988 the company was launched with the determination to expand Hong Kong's cinema viewing culture and diversity.

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