Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Having spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, nothing could prepare Dora (Isabela Moner) for her most dangerous adventure ever – high school. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots (her best friend, a monkey), Diego (Jeff Wahlberg), a mysterious jungle inhabitant (Eugenio Derbez), and a rag tag group of teens on a live-action adventure to save her parents (Eva Longoria, Michael Peña) and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost city of gold.
Country / Region: USA
Duration: 120 mins (TBC)
Director: James Bobin
Cast: Isabela Moner
Language: English
Subtitle: Chinese
Guest of Post-screening Sharing (Conducted in Cantonese): KIFF Team
於美國極受少年觀眾喜愛的長青動畫系列《愛探險的Dora》(Dora the Explorer),改編為真人電影《愛探險的Dora:勇闖黃金迷城》(Dora and the Lost City of Gold),並將會於今年暑假全球公映!美國人氣青春偶像伊莎貝拉莫娜 (Isabela Moner)飾演Dora,與一班好友闖入神秘森林,揭開文明奧秘。
國家 / 地區: 美國
片長: 120 分鐘(待定)
導演: 占士保賓
語言: 英語
字幕: 中文字幕
映後分享會嘉賓: KIFF 團隊

Movies can be a shared vocabulary that strengthens the bond between the parents (or guardians) and their children. For kids aged from 6 to 11, the ‘Parent-Child Movie Time” screenings are not only about enjoying movies together, but also drawing kids into meaningful conversations afterwards.