Objects Come Alive Workshop
日期 Date: 3/8 (SAT), 4/8 (SUN)
時間 Time: 1:30 – 2:30pm and 3:30 – 4:30pm
Friendly reminders: Workshop contents may thoroughly detailed. Overtime may be caused. (No more than 30 mins)
地點:圓方商場金區 1樓
Best suited for 6-16 years old.
Venue: 1/F Metal Zone, ELEMENTS MALL
這次 Emily 將會教小朋友如何運用隨手可得的物件,透過逐格拍攝的方式,再把影像串連放映,賦予物件生命。Emily 將會為大家準備好所需材料,小朋友需要的就是天馬行空的創意和嘗試,讓物件動起來。
This time Emily will teach our kids how to bring the objects to life. Through the manipulation of objects, kids can create the illusion of life. Emily will prepare the materials for everyone. All we need is the unconstrained creativity. JUST TRY! Let the objects come alive.
Students works download

Interactive Storytelling by Baumhaus
日期 Date: 17/8 (SAT), 18/8 (SUN), 31/8 (SAT)
時間 Time: 2:30-3:30pm and 4:00-5:00pm
Children learn more about the world through stories, and share their thoughts through the creative arts. Crisel Consunji, founder of Baumhaus and their teachers will lead the children in imaginative and expressive storytelling-- through movement, music and drama. By being part of a community, we can celebrate our talents, raise our voices, and learn from the stories we share.
Best suited for children 3-6 years.
Venue: 1/F Metal Zone ELEMENTS
How to join: Click here
孩子透過故事了解世界,並藉著創意藝術分享他們的想法。Baumhaus 創辦人姬素孔尚治及工作坊導師以動作,音樂和戲劇引導孩子們進行具想像力和表現力的故事敍述。在一個群體之中,我們可以發揮才能,為自己發聲,並從我們的故事中互相學習。

Pre-screening Workshop
Jacob Mimmi and the Talking Dogs Pre-screening Workshop
Date 日期: 4/8 (Sun)
Time 時間:12:00 - 12:30pm
Moonminvalley Pre-screening Workshop
Date 日期:4/8 (Sun)
Time 時間:4:00 – 4:30pm
KIFF 特別為《姆明谷歷險記》及《狗狗救地球》舉辦「映前故事工作坊」,由過去大力支持KIFF的資深故事教育家莫萊茵女士(Miss May May)主持,以精湛和生動有趣的說故事技巧,為初次觀影的小朋友作出電影導賞,開動孩子最天馬行空的奇思妙想,讓他們抱著準備就緒的心情入場看電影。
A pre-screening story workshop will be specially held for the film Moonminvalley and Jacob Mimmi and the Talking Dogs, hosted by experienced storytelling educator Miss May May. She will guide and prepare kids, especially those who are first-time cinemagoer, before they meet with the characters on the big screen! With her interesting and vivid storytelling skills, kids will unleash their wildest imagination, and enjoy the film in a relaxed mood.
Venue: 1/F Metal Zone, ELEMENT

「KIFF x YMCA 「電影體驗工作坊」
日期: 7月16日 (編劇班)、7月17日 (演技班)、7月18日 (配音班)
時間:2:30pm - 3:30pm
and/or 4:00pm - 5:00pm
電影的角色、處境、劇情變化,有如一幕幕體驗,讓兒童探索待人處事態度及正確價值,完善自我人格。資深故事教育家莫萊茵女士(Miss May May)利用KIFF的電影故事脈絡,帶領兒童思維深度行。
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