KIFF SHORTS (Online Short Films)
KIFF 網上短片
7月19至23日 (星期一至五)
每天候 24小時,每天不同內容
19th to 24th, July (Mon to Fri)
24 hours, non-stop screening on each day with different titles
Buy ticket and screening at
KIFF SHORTS 希望小朋友可以透過來自世界各地的短片認識不同國家與文化,擴闊思維與眼界。今年,我們與撲飛POPTICKET合作,讓你和家人可以安在家中,於網上觀賞精選兒童短片。一連五天,撲飛POPTICKET將會每天放映不同短片,只需購買HK$25的一天通行證就可登入觀看!
今年的選片中,有香港本地製造的《大偵探福爾摩斯 – 麵包的秘密》及改編自著名英國兒童讀物的《Zog and the Flying Doctors》、關注自閉症青年的本土紀錄短片《最美麗的看見》;以及其他來自巴西、印度、葡萄牙、新加坡、英國等地的作品。
購電子門票:HK$25/一天通行證 或 HK$100 五天通行證
* KIFF SHORTS 網上門票收入將全數捐贈童之光慈善基金用作支持循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 - 學障青年職業發展計劃。
KIFF SHORTS features short films for children from around the world with the purpose of introducing different countries and cultures to kids through films. This year, we are collaborating with POPTICKET to bring you international short films which you can watch with your family at the comfort of your home.
Among our selections, there are locally made shorts like “The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes – Secret of Baguette” and “Beautiful Mind”; “Zog and the Flying Doctors” adapted from the popular UK children’s book of the same name; as well as other outstanding works from Brazil, India, Portugal, Singapore, UK, etc.
E-Ticketing: HK$25/Online Day Pass, or HK$100 Online 5 days pass.
* All proceeds from KIFF SHORTS ticket sales will be donated to the Children of Light Foundation to support Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service's SEN youth career development project.

About Children of Light Foundation
Children of Light Foundation (COL) is a registered charity body (qualified for the exemption from tax section 88 of the Inland Revenue) in Hong Kong, committed to supporting and empowering individuals with autism and their families.
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